The Rise and Fall of the Stamp Act
Comic fans are invited to a hands-on workshop to learn about the history of the Stamp Act and how to make a historical comic. Participation is free, supplies will be provided and participants will receive a FREE copy of The Rise and Fall of the Stamp Act comic. This comic was written by J. L. Bell with art by Jesse Lonergan, Ben Doane, John Carvajal and L. J. Baptiste with an amazing full color cover by Jerel Dye. The book and poster were designed by Roho‘s River Bird Comics. All the creators involved are members of the Boston Comics Roundtable.
Workshop is open to all ages, but targeted to grades 5 through 8.
Call (617)876-4491 or email at to Register.
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This comic book was produced for a hands-on history comic workshop produced through the cooperation of the Massachusetts Historical Society, The Shirley Eustis House, The Longfellow House/Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site, and the Bostonian Society.
Support for the project has been provided by the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati.