The Double Translation Project
This summer (July 27, to be precise), the BCR meeting was consumed with a collaborative/creative activity, which Levon Gyulkhasian, who introduced it to the group, calls “Double Translation.”
In this timed activity, we initially select, at random, several visual “prompts” to get us started (we drew them from an actual hat!)
Using the prompts as inspiration, each person write a short essay or story in about 20 minutes, then passes it to the person to their right, who adapts it as a comic (in about 45 minutes), who then passes the finished comic to the person to their right, who writes a written adaptation of it (in about 20 minutes again).
Pieces of paper were being passed around the BCR meeting tables, with each member having a chance to write, draw, and “rewrite” on a different story.
At the end of the meeting, there was a little time left to pin the work on the walls and discuss/admire what we’d done.
Here are the results of this fun and challenging exercise, by each of the three-person “teams” — a lotta good work for 2 hours! (Click TWICE to enlarge an image):
Bryan Cavalier/Ty/Tony:
Pat Flaherty/Dan Mazur/Beth Barnett:
Renad Khalid/Ben Rutberg/Sarah
Dan Mazur/Beth Barnett/Chloe:
Kevin/Bryan Cavalier/Ty:
Ben Rutberg/Kevin/Bryan Cavalier:
EJ Barnes/Renad Khalid/Ben Rutberg:
Levon/John B./EJ Barnes:
JL Bell /EJ Barnes/ Renad Khalid
Cat (no essay 1?)/Sam
Tony L. / ? /Pat Flaherty:
An “orphan” text… maybe the artist brought their work home before it could be scanned…