The Best Comics You Never Read in Your Life #3
A new series feature in which comics creators discuss their favorite comics that just haven’t got the attention they deserved.
Killer of Demons
by Christopher Yost (writer), Scott Wegener (art)
Story synopsis
Wegener describes it as “Office Space meets Shaun of the Dead”. What if everyone around you was a demon and you were compelled by a 3′ tall cigar smoking angel to kill them?
Why comics creator Carl Tsui loves it
This is not John Constantine. It’s not strewn with obscure Biblical references or grim dark gritty gritty. It’s a witty action comedy with plenty of wry fun poking at everyday geek life. Oh and there’s kung fu. Fun art style tops it off (Wegener is the Eisner nominated artist for Atomic Robo series).
How to buy Killer of Demons
To see art and comics from Boston Comics Roundtable’s own Carl Tsui, visit
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
by Dan Mishkin & Gary Cohn (writers), Ernie Colon (art)
Story synopsis
Amy Winston is your average teen girl who seems to have elaborate, “Little Nemo” type nightmares by night about a psycodelic fantasy world. Little does she know, these aren’t dreams at at and as it turns out she is the ruler of the Amethyst empire of Gemworld!
Why comics creator Jack Turnbull loves it
I love this 12 part DC series from 1983/84 because it totally doesn’t know what it is. The writers don’t know their target audience, the genre flows from horror to fantasy to psychodelic feminist wonderment. The reason why it probably didn’t do too well and you’ve never heard of it is because nobody could figure out what they were reading … but this is why I dig it. It’s totally unpredictable but simultaneously lovable in a pulpy, cheesy way. Also, the color separations (a lost art) are superb at times. And, admittedly, I have a crush on Amethyst.
How to buy Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
Try Ebay. The original 12 part maxi series is what I’ve read and love.
To see art and comics from Boston Comics Roundtable’s own Jack Turnbull, visit