SPELLBOUND, VOLUME II: Call for submissions
It’s submission time for Spellbound Vol.2, a continuation of our urban-fantasy comics anthology. The full submission guidelines and details are here.
This volume of Spellbound has no city limits! Because, lets face it, magic travels well. Modern magic is the theme for volume 2, where tech meets hex, touch screen Ouija boards and the WiFi fairy. Staying within the present/future and it’s amenities, where do you see magic fitting in? While we have a 6 page max, we’re looking for great 3-4 page stories.
Dimensions: Trim 7” x 8.5”, image safe area 6.5” x 8” — no bleeds.
Color: Black & White or Grey scale
Page count: Maximum 6 pages.
Please send us a complete script and at least the fist page in tight pencils (so we have an idea on your style/execution). We will also accept finished pieces, although we will be looking for new work and new writers/artist as well as welcoming our radical favs from previous editions. You are all great, but our page length is brief so send us your best (short and sweet) stuff! If we can’t publish everyone, we will at least give everyone our most sincere feedback and thoughts on your work and how we think it might fit in other publications. Thank you ahead of time for your work, support and incredible creativity!!!
Important dates
3/3 – Script deadline. We’ll need a complete script for 1-6 pages, with a 3-4 page sweet spot. In addition at least the first page penciled so we have a feel for your style.
3/31 – Final art deadline. Expect us to bug for updates before this deadline.
Submissions should be sent to: Spellbound.anthology@gmail.com.
Remember: Black & white, grayscale, 7” x 8.5”, work safe 6.5” x 8”— no bleeds, max 6-pages!