Boston Comics Roundtables Policies on Interpersonal Behavior
The Boston Comics Roundtable is an open and inclusive community of creators, welcoming to all lovers of the medium. Freedom of expression is essential to our mission, including argument, criticism, humor and a diversity of opinions. Equally important are mutual respect, courtesy, supportiveness and consideration for the sensitivities of others. In our interactions, at in-person meetings or in online forums and social media, there is no place for rude behaviors such as prolonged or irrelevant interruptions, personal insults or attacks. The meeting facilitators and online moderators should step in if such behaviors take place, but all group members should feel comfortable to speak up when they observe inappropriate interactions, and should be supported if they do so.
As writers and artists, we value freedom of expression and a diversity of voices. We also appreciate that individuals do not all have the same boundaries as to what content makes them uncomfortable. We do not limit, on the basis of content, the material that members may bring to meetings or related events, but we understand that certain works could potentially cause some individuals discomfort. We ask that a member presenting work, whether their own or someone else’s, which has potentially disturbing content (e.g. graphic violence, nudity or sexual situations, ethnic stereotypes), mention this in advance, so anyone who doesn’t wish to be exposed to the material can politely decline to do so. We encourage anyone who feels disturbed by material being viewed to speak out on their thoughts and feelings on the piece, and the reasons for their discomfort, as long as they are respectful to the person presenting it. Equally important is that the presenter of the work be open to the sensitivities of others and respectfully try to understand the objections. Open discussion of difficult, controversial or offensive content should be an opportunity to better understand our work and its impact on readers and viewers.
The Boston Comics Roundtable is committed to promoting, advocating and embodying diversity in the world of comics. Any perception of discriminatory behavior or harassment based on race, gender (whether cis or trans), sexual orientation, religion, disability or any other factor in an individual’s background or life choices, will be taken seriously and actively addressed. Any member of BCR who experiences or witnesses, in person or online, behavior which appears to violate BCR policy, is encouraged to bring the issue to group leadership, or to email
There is a conflict resolution group within BCR leadership. We hope that violations of stated BCR policy, and disagreements that cannot be worked out between the parties without help, will be rare. However, the Conflict Resolution Group will review carefully reports of such circumstances, and mediate if necessary. Every effort will be taken to respect the viewpoints of those involved, and to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided.
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