Outbound #2 Sci-Fi Anthology, available for pre-order now!
The Boston Comics Roundtable, in partnership with River Bird Studios, is pleased to announce the release of the second issue of Outbound, a Science Fiction anthology. Outbound is a spin-off of sister publication Inbound, the anthology of comics from Boston. Outbound contains comics and short stories from a mix of Boston-based creators and artists all over the world, from Australia to South America, including a new cover from talented Uruguayan artist Marcello Buchelli.
Outbound #2 retails for US$ 9.99 and will be available in every comic book retail location in the greater Boston area and is currently available for pre-order online at http://OutboundMagazine.blogspot.com/ (payment at website via Paypal). This issue introduces the new, perfect-bound, bookshelf-friendly format for Outbound. After such a great reception to the first issue, the Outbound team decided to up the ante, increasing the page count to 120 pages!
A complete galley preview of Outbound #2 will be available at MoCCA and Boston Comic-Con this coming weekend (April 10-11, 2010). The book will officially be released at the end of April. Interested press and retailers may contact Outbound staff to receive a PDF edition for pre-publication review.