Roundup: Mini-Comics Workshop
The Mini-Comics Workshop on August 9th was an afternoon of enlightenment. Avid learners gathered to get at the heart of the art of the mini-comic. The talk was technical in nature and began with a basic overview of what mini-comics are as well as exploring technique and design. We had several presenters to discuss the concept of the mini-comic as well as their personal styles.
Roho discussed how minis are defined, how to layout the pages for printing, and differently used formats.
Ben Doane showed a few of his minis, including Homeless Houses, which is designed and cut in the shape of a house. Ben also talked about his low-tech manner of drawing where he draws his pages in spreads already laid out for printing and 1:1 size.
Jesse Lonergan showed examples of Photoshop files and illustrated how he draws and scans his work individually, lays out his spreads digitally, and adds colors and tones. He also took apart a two-folio mini with heavier stock (Faster Miles an Hour) to show how you can sew books together when there are too many pages to reasonably fold and staple.
Finally, Heide Solbrig did a demonstration of how to make an eight-page book out of one sheet of paper and all attendees got to make their own!
It was a fun and engaging afternoon. We look forward to the next one!
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